Yellow-wort, Cogdon Nature Reserve,
Yellow-wort - bilobed stigmas and
linear stamens
Flower buds, linear lobed calyx
Greyish leaves and stem
Stem through greyish, joined leaves
Blackstonia perfoliata
June to October
It is found throughout the country except for parts of the
North, the Midlands, Norfolk and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map Yellow-wort
Yellow-wort grows on open, dry, shallow, stony limestone
soils, calcareous turf, stabilised sand dunes and by paths,
roads, railways and quarries.
It is a native, annual or biennial, greyish, upright herb,
growing up to 50cm.
Flowers are 1 to 1.5cm with 6 to 9 yellow petals.
There are 6 to 8 linear stamens, a large, yellow, bilobed
stigma and a yellow, oval ovary.
The calyx has linear lobes and appears claw-like.
Flowers close when the sun is behind cloud.
Leaves are greyish, 1 to 2 cm long and joined so that
paired leaves look single with the stem growing out
through the middle.
Previous page: Yellow Water-lily
Next page: Zigzag Clover
Yellow-wort, Cogdon Nature Reserve,
Yellow-wort - bilobed stigmas and
linear stamens
Flower buds, linear lobed calyx
Greyish leaves and stem
Stem through greyish, joined leaves
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