Yellow Bartsia
Yellow Barsia, dune slack, Devon
Single, unbranched plant
Flower spike - bracts
Flower - stamens in upper lip, 3-lobed
lower lip
Toothed, paired leaves
Glands on stem and bracts
Parentucellia viscosa
June to September
Native plants are found in the Southwest, the South and
the Northwest.
Alien plants are thinly scattered throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Yellow Bartsia
The native plant grows in damp, sandy, grassy places such
as drier dune slacks.
The alien is sown with seed mixtures and is found in
pastures inland.
Yellow Bartsia is a native, hemiparasitic, sticky annual,
growing up to 50cm.
Flowers are in spikes in the axils of leaf-like bracts.
The yellow flowers are up to 2cm and have 2 lips, the
upper shorter than the lower.
The upper lip forms a tube and the lower has 3 lobes.
The 4 stamens are in the upper lip.
The calyx is tubular and 4 toothed.
Leaves are opposite, triangular and toothed.
Stems are usually not branched.
The whole plant is covered by glands and is very sticky to
Previous page: Wood Vetch
Next page: Yellow Mountain Saxifrage
Yellow Barsia, dune slack, Devon
Single, unbranched plant
Flower spike - bracts
Flower - stamens in upper lip, 3-lobed
lower lip
Toothed, paired leaves
Glands on stem and bracts
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