Wood Anemone
Wood Anemone with Lesser Celandine and Bluebell
Flower with stamens and stigmas
Close-up of anthers and stigmas
Rosette of stamens - typical anemone
Patch on open grassy bank of Lancaster canal
Anemone nemorosa
March to May
It is found throughout the country except for an area inland
of the Wash
See the BSBI distribution map for Wood Anemone
Wood Anemone grows in deciduous woods, by streams
and canals, on hedgebanks, in grassland and under
Wood Anemone is a native, rhizomatous perennial, which
forms large patches and grows up to 30cm.
Flowers are white (2-2.5cm across) with grey veins and a
rosette of yellow anthers.
Pitcher-shaped stigmas are in the middle, surrounded by
a ring of stamens.
Leaves are light green and trifoliate.
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Next page: Wood Spurge
Wood Anemone with Lesser Celandine and Bluebell
Flower with stamens and stigmas
Close-up of anthers and stigmas
Rosette of stamens - typical anemone
Patch on open grassy bank of Lancaster canal
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