Winter-cress on a hedge bank
Flowering spike
4-merous flowers,stigma and stamens
Hairless buds and typical upper leaf
Fruiting pods
Upper leaf and angular stem
Lower leaves
Barbarea vulgaris
Yellow rocket
May to July
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Winter-cress
It grows by hedges, roads, tracks and footpaths, rivers,
streams and ditches, and on waste ground.
Winter-crest is a native, biennial or perennial herb
growing up to 90cm.
Flowers are in spikes, bright yellow (up to 9mm across)
and 4-merous.
Pods end in a long style (up to 2.5cm), close to the stem
but less so than in Medium Winter-cress.
Leaves are green, the lower ones with pinnate lobes and
the upper ones toothed, both with terminal lobes.
Stems are angular and flowering stems are smooth.
Previous page: Wilson's Honeysuckle
Next page: Wood Crane’s-Bill
Winter-cress on a hedge bank
Flowering spike
4-merous flowers,stigma and stamens
Hairless buds and typical upper leaf
Fruiting pods
Upper leaf and angular stem
Lower leaves
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