Winter Jasmine
Flower showing stigma
Side view - corolla tube
Corolla tube opened to show long style and
2 yellow anthers
Trefoil-like leaves, grooved stem
Scrambling stem and leaves by a fence
Jasminum nudiflorum
October through to February, although a few flowers can
appear at any time.
The garden plant is found throughout the country.
The naturalised escape is found mainly in the South
and the south Midlands.
See the BSBI distribution map for Winter Jasmine
It is a neophyte, which was introduced in the 1840s.
The naturalised garden escape was first noted in the wild
relatively recently, in the 1970s.
The escape is naturalised in woods, scrub and hedgerows,
and on walls and waste ground.
It also occurs as a throw-out on roadsides and rubbish tips,
and as a relic of cultivation.
Winter Jasmine is a deciduous scrambling shrub.
It has tubular, bright yellow flowers on both leaved
and leafless stems.
Flowers are bright yellow, 2cm across, with 5 petals and a
long corolla tube.
There is a capitate stigma on a long style.
There are 2 stamens with yellow anthers inserted within
the corolla tube.
The branches arch and clamber, and are used by
gardeners to cover trellises and to grow against
against fences and walls.
It is able to grow new plants from rooting at the
Winter Jasmine is similar to Summer Jasmine,
which tends to flower at other times of the year.
In practice, flowering often overlaps.
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Flower showing stigma
Side view - corolla tube
Corolla tube opened to show long style and
2 yellow anthers
Trefoil-like leaves, grooved stem
Scrambling stem and leaves by a fence
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