Wild Mignonette
Wild Mignonette, Lune estuary, Lancaster
Flower spike
Close up of flowers- stamens and petals
Beginning of 3 pointed fruits
3-pointed fruits
Reseda lutea
May to September
It is found throughout the country, except for parts of the
North and the far Southwest
See the BSBI distribution map for Wild Mignonette
Wild Mignonette grows on calcareous waste ground, sand
dunes, arable fields and grassland, and alongside roads,
railways and paths.
It is a native, perennial (or biennial), woody, bushy herb
growing up to 75cm.
Flowers are yellow-green, up to 6mm across and with 6,
variously lobed and clawed petals.
There are 10 to 20 dangling stamens and 3 stigmas.
The remains of the stigmas are visible on the seed pods.
Leaves have linear lobes.
There is a big tap root and a woody, ridged stem.
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Wild Mignonette, Lune estuary, Lancaster
Flower spike
Close up of flowers- stamens and petals
Beginning of 3 pointed fruits
3-pointed fruits
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