Garden Angelica
Garden Angelica, Lancaster
Flowerhead showing stamens
Close-up of recurved green petals and styles
Close-up showing styles and stamens
Fruiting flowerheads
Green stem
Purple stem
Angelica archangelica
May to August
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Garden Angelica
It is a neophye which has been grown in UK gardens since
the 1560s and known in the wild since 1700.
It has become naturalised on river banks and waste
Garden Angelica is a large perennial herb, growing
up to 2m.
It has large flowerheads with umbels up to 7cm.
There are no bracts but numerous bracteoles.
The flowers are up to 7mm with 5 reflexed greenish
white petals.
There are 5 white stamens and 2 styles.
Flowers are protanderous with the stamens appearing
before the styles.
The fruits are green, ridged, slightly flattened and up
to 6mm.
The leaves are 2-3 pinnate and the leaflets ovate to
lanceolate with coarsely serrated margins.
The petioles are inflated.
The stems are thick and green and sometimes purple.
Garden Angelia is a cullinary herb. Click on this link fo
r a recipe for candied angelica.
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Next page: Giant Viper's-bugloss
Garden Angelica, Lancaster
Flowerhead showing stamens
Close-up of recurved green petals and styles
Close-up showing styles and stamens
Fruiting flowerheads
Green stem
Purple stem
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