Wavy Bitter-cress
Flowerhead and pods
Close-up of flowers - 6 stamens, capitate stigma
Leaves and pod
Young pods
Cardamine flexuosa
Wood Bittercress
April to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Wavy Bitter-cress
It is sometimes a garden weed, but usually grows in wet
marshland, and at the edges of streams, rivers and canals.
Wavy Bitter-cressis a native, annual or biennial herb
growing up to 50cm.
The flower head is initially flat-topped (corymbose).
Flowers have 4 white petals, 6 stamens and a central
style, which is initially the same height as the flower.
The stigma is capitate.
The pods can reach up to 25mm.
Stem leaves are short stalked or sessile with several
pairs of leaflets.
The stem is wavy or zig-zag.
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Flowerhead and pods
Close-up of flowers - 6 stamens, capitate stigma
Leaves and pod
Young pods
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