Water Mint
Water Mint en masse
Flower stem
Flower spike - purple calyx
4-lobed corollas
Stamens and forked stigmas
Lower whorl of flowers, leaf
Leaves, reddish stem
Mentha aquatica
July to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Water Mint
It grows in wet, muddy soils beside open water, such as
marshes, ditches, ponds and rivers.
Water Mint is a native, sweet-minty smelling, rhizomatous,
spreading perennial herb, growing up to 90cm.
Flowers are in round terminal spikes and in whorls up
the stem.
Individual flowers are 3-4mm across, lilac, with a 4-lobed
corolla tube, 4 stamens and a forked stigma.
The calyx has 5 pointed and hairy petals.
Leaves are hairy, green, up to 6cm, and fragrant when
Stems are branched and reddish when older.
The rhizomes readily break and help in the spread
of the plant.
Previous page: Virginia-creeper
Next page: Water Dock
Water Mint en masse
Flower stem
Flower spike - purple calyx
4-lobed corollas
Stamens and forked stigmas
Lower whorl of flowers, leaf
Leaves, reddish stem
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