Tufted Vetch
Tufted Vetch in a grassy hedgebank
Front view of Tufted Vetch
Close-up of flowers from the front
Side view of flower head
Close-up from the side
Leaflets with 3 tendrils
White sport, Lune estuary cycle track
Vicia cracca
June to August
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Tufted Vetch
It grows in hedgerows, pastures, hay meadows, the
edges of woods, and alongside paths and roads.
Tufted Vetch is native, nitogen-fixing, scrambling,
perennial, herb growing up to 2m.
The violet-purple flowers (1cm) are on one-sided spikes
up to 10cm.
Leaves have between 6 and 12 opposite leaflets and a
terminal branched tendril.
The flowers en masse are quite eye catching.
The sport shown, in the last picture, was localised and
extensive for a year and then disappeared.
Previous page: Trailing St John's-wort
Next page: Tutsan
Tufted Vetch in a grassy hedgebank
Front view of Tufted Vetch
Close-up of flowers from the front
Side view of flower head
Close-up from the side
Leaflets with 3 tendrils
White sport, Lune estuary cycle track
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