Tree Aeonium
Tree Aeonium on a stony shore, Bryher, Scillies
Invading the shore
Attached to a wall
Pyramid of flowers
Individual stonecrop-type flowers
Basal leaves
Leafy flower stem
Aeonium arboreum
Cliff Pasty, Houseleek Tree
April to August
It is found in the Scilly islands and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Tree Aeonium
It is a naturalised escape from gardens and botanical
It is a neophyte from the Canary Islands.
In the Scillies it grows on walls and colonises rocky, grassy
shores and waste ground.
Although attractive, it is an invasive alien.
Tree Aeonium grows up to 1.5m.
The individual flowers resemble other stonecrops and form
a multiflowered, yellow pyramid in spring.
The leaves are succulent and fleshy and range in colour
from green to purple.
The rootstock is large and survives the winter.
Aeoniums are susceptiple to frost, which limits their
UK distribution.
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Tree Aeonium on a stony shore, Bryher, Scillies
Invading the shore
Attached to a wall
Pyramid of flowers
Individual stonecrop-type flowers
Basal leaves
Leafy flower stem
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