Thyme-leaved Speedwell
Spikes of Thyme-leaved Speedwell in grassland
Pale blue flowers; leaf-like bracts
Sepals, purple veins on flowers
Opposite leaves
Veronica serpyllifolia
April to October
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Thyme-leaved Speedwell
It is widespread in open woodland, grassland, heaths,
lawns and waste ground
Thyme-leaved Speedwell is a native, low growing perennial
herb (up to 30cm) with creeping and rooting stems.
Flowers are in spikes, small (5 to 10mm across), pale blue
or white with purple veins.
They have 2 leaf-like bracts.
Leaves are small, opposite, shiny and untoothed.
Spikes of Thyme-leaved Speedwell in grassland
Pale blue flowers; leaf-like bracts
Sepals, purple veins on flowers
Opposite leaves
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