Thrift on limestone grassland, Silverdale, Lancashire
Thrift on Chesil Beach shingle, Dorset
Close-up of a colony
Close-up of flowers - blue and cream anthers
Linear styles
Round stem and fleshy linear leaves
Armeria maritima
Sea Pink
April to October
It is found on the coast, pretty well everywhere.
See the BSBI distribution map for Thrift
It is mainly found on sea cliffs, shingle and saltmarshes.
It also grows on mountains, old mine workings and, since
the 1980s, by salted roads.
Thrift is a native, perennial herb growing up to 30cm.
The flower heads are rose pink to white and attractive and
up to 2.5cm.
Individual flowers are up to 8mm showing above a funnel-
shaped calyx.
There are 5 white stamens with cream or blue anthers.
There are 5 white, linear styles.
Leaves are fleshy and linear - up to 15cm long, forming
a cushion.
Previous page: Thread-leaved Water-crowfoot
Next page: Thyme-leaved Speedwell
Thrift on limestone grassland, Silverdale, Lancashire
Thrift on Chesil Beach shingle, Dorset
Close-up of a colony
Close-up of flowers - blue and cream anthers
Linear styles
Round stem and fleshy linear leaves
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