Tall Tutsan
Tall Tutsan, Dorset
Flower from front - styles and stamens
Flower from side
Sepals in buds and recurved in fruit,
remains of 3 styles
Opposite leaves
2-ridged stem
Hypericum androsaemum x H. hircinum
June to August
It is thinly scattered throughout the country and most
common in the South and the Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Tall Tutsan
It is a neophyte that originated as a cross in the 1760s and
has been known in the wild since the 1880s.
It grows in damp or shaded places, such as hedges, small
woods and by streams.
Tall Tutsan is a bushy shrub, growing up to 2m.
Flowers are up to 3cm, bright yellow, with stamens slightly
longer than the petals.
There are numerous stamens with yellow anthers.
There are 3 styles and stigmas.
The sepals are ovate to lanceolate and half the length of
the petals.
The sepals persist with the fruits and bend backwards.
Leaves are up to 8cm, ovate to oblong and aromatic
when crushed.
Stems are branched, reddish and 2-ridged
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Next page: Trailing Bellflower
Tall Tutsan, Dorset
Flower from front - styles and stamens
Flower from side
Sepals in buds and recurved in fruit,
remains of 3 styles
Opposite leaves
2-ridged stem
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