Sun Spurge
Sun Spurge
Close-up of flowers
Toothed leaves
Euphorbia helioscopia
Late March to November. All year round in mild winters.
It is found throughout the country, but is less common in
some northern counties.
See the BSBI distribution map for Sun Spurge
It is an archaeophyte and a common weed of disturbed,
cultivated (gardens, arable fields) and waste ground.
It grows rapidly in bare, sunny spots.
Sun Sprurge is an annual herb growing up to 50cm.
The flowerhead is flat with bright, yellow green flowers
and smooth fruits.
The seeds are spread by ants.
The leaves are oval and toothed.
It is the only common spurge with toothed leaves.
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Sun Spurge
Close-up of flowers
Toothed leaves
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