Spring Snowflake
Spring Snowflake, West Dorset
Group of flowers
Green markings on petals
Stamens and styles
Leucojum vernum
February to March
It is grown in gardens throughout the country.
The naturalised escape is thinly scattered in the South and
East Anglia.
See the BSBI distribution map for Spring Snowflake
It is well naturalised in damp woodland and scrub, by water
and in damp grassy places.
Most, if not all, English populations are relics of cultivation.
It is a neophyte, first grown in England in the late 1590s
and known in the wild since the 1860s.
Some plants in Dorset and South Somerset may be native.
Spring Snowflake is a bulbous perennial herb that looks
like a cross between a Snowdrop and a Summer
It grows up to 40cm and has white, bell-shaped flowers,
with green markings at the tip of the petals.
Leaves are dark green, and longer and broader than
in Snowdrop.
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Next page: Sweet Violet
Spring Snowflake, West Dorset
Group of flowers
Green markings on petals
Stamens and styles
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