Spanish Broom
Spanish Broom - waste ground
Close-up of flowers
Leafless, smooth stems
Spartium junceum
June to October
It is planted throughout the country.
Naturalised Spanish Broom is found mainly in the Greater
London area, Hampshire and Dorset .
It is thinly scattered elsewhere.
See the BSBI distribution map for Spanish Broom
It is a neophyte, which was introduced in the 1540s and
recorded in the wild in the early 1900s.
It is planted in gardens, amenity areas and alongside
It has escaped and become naturalised on coastal
cliffs and beside roads and railways.
Spanish Broom is a colourful nitrogen-fixing, shrub
growing up to 2m.
Stems are leafless, smooth and round.
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Spanish Broom - waste ground
Close-up of flowers
Leafless, smooth stems
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