Field guides
Wild Flowers of Britain and Ireland
by M Blamey, R. Fitter and A. Fitter.
Publisher - A & C Black, London (2003, New edition 2014)
Botanical Details and Identification
New Flora of the British Isles (Fourth Edition)
by Clive Stace
Cambridge University Press (2019)
Flora of the British Isles (Third Edition)
by C. R. Clapham, T. G. Tutin and D. M. Moore
Publisher - Cambridge University Press, London (1987)
Field Guide to Invasive Plants and Animals in Britain
By O. Booy, M. Wade and H. Roy
Publisher - Blooksbury (2015)
Wild Orchids of Dorset
By M.N. Jenkinson
Publisher - Blackmore Press (1991)
Flora Britannica. The definitive new guide to wild flowers, plants and trees
by R. Mabey
Publisher - Sinclair-Stevenson, London (1996)
Collins British Tree Guide
by O. Johnson and D. More
Publisher - William Collins (2015)
The Oxford Book of Trees
by B.E. Nicholson and A.R. Clapham
Publisher - Oxford University Press (1975)
Illustrated Trees of Britain and Europe
by D. More and J. White
Publisher - Bloomsbury (2013)
Distribution Maps Online
Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland
National Biodiversity Network Gateway
Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora
Local Distribution using County floras
The ones I use are:
A Flora of Cornwall
by C. French
Wheal Seron Press, Camborne (2020)
A Flora of Cumbria
by G. Halliday
Publisher - Centre for North-West Regional Studies, University of Lancaster (1997)
A New Flora of Devon
By R. Smith, R. Hodgson and J. Ison
Publisher - The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science,
Literature and the Arts 2016
The Flora of Dorset
by H. Bowen
Pisces Publications, Oxford (2000)
The Flora of Hampshire
By A. Brewis, P. Bowman and F. Rose
Publisher - Harley Books (1996)
The New Flora of the Isles of Scilly
by R. Parslow and I. Bennallick
Parslow Press (2017)
The Atlas Flora of Somerset
by P.R. Green, I.P. Green and G.A. Crouch
Published by the authors, Somerset (1997)
A Flora of Suffolk
by M.Sanford and R. Fisk
Published by D.K. and M.N. Sanford, Ipswich (2010)
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