Snowberry bush in hedge
Flowers and leaves
Close-up of flowers
Flowers and developing berries
Berries in several stages of development
Fully developed fruits (berries)
Symphoricarpos albus
Common Snowberry, White Coralberry
June to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Snowberry
It is a neophyte from the US and was planted in the UK
in the 1710s and has been naturalised since the 1860s.
It grows in woods, scrub, hedges and on waste ground,
where it can form dense thickets.
Snowberry is a bushy, rhizomatous shrub growing up
to 3m.
The flowers are pink, bell-shaped, 4- to 5-merous, and
up to 8mm.
Fruits are highly visible white berries (1-1.5cm), in
Leaves are oval, dull-green and greyish, distinctly
veined and up to 4cm.
Previous page: Small Water-pepper
Next page: Spanish Broom
Snowberry bush in hedge
Flowers and leaves
Close-up of flowers
Flowers and developing berries
Berries in several stages of development
Fully developed fruits (berries)
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