Male bush with tassels
Close-up of unopen tassels
Close-up of male flowers with stamens
Leaves and immature catkins in September
Garrya elliptica
December to March
The garden plant is found throughout the country.
Naturalised escapes may occur in the South.
See the BSBI distribution map for Silk-tassel
It is widely planted in gardens, parks and public amenity
It is found in relict gardens and other abandoned areas.
There are a few reports of it being naturalised in the
It is a small evergreen tree or shrub growing up to 3m.
The male flowers are long, greyish green, catkins.
Female plants have insignificant flowers and often are
not planted.
Leaves are dark green, shiny on the upper surface
and greyer (glaucous) on the lower surface.
Previous page: Porcupine Grass
Next page: Winter Heliotrope
Male bush with tassels
Close-up of unopen tassels
Close-up of male flowers with stamens
Leaves and immature catkins in September
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