Seaside Daisy
Seaside Daisy on rough ground, Isle of Portland, Dorset
Flower with some inner florets open
With Burnet moth
With Painted Lady
With bee
Erigeron glaucus
May to August
It is found mainly in the South and the Southwest, but is
also locally common in parts of East Anglia and the
Northwest. It is scattered elsewhere.
See the BSBI distribution map for Seaside Daisy
It is a neophyte, introduced from the USA in the early19th
century, and widely grown in gardens.
It has been recognised as a naturalised escape on the
south coast since the 1940s, where it is on the increase.
The escape grows on sea-cliffs, banks, shingle, walls and
rocky places.
Seaside Daisy is a low growing, colony-forming, perennial
herb, growing up to 50cm.
The flowers are pale purple with yellow centres and are up
to 4cm.
En masse the flowers form a carpet of pale purple.
The leaves are green slightly fleshy and concave.
The flowers are very attractive to insects.
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Seaside Daisy on rough ground, Isle of Portland, Dorset
Flower with some inner florets open
With Burnet moth
With Painted Lady
With bee
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