Russian-vine growing over a hedge
Cluster of flowers
Individual flowers - tepals (petaloid sepals)
and stamens
Wart-like fruits
Vine-like stems
Fallopia baldschuanica
June to September
The garden plant is found throughout the country.
It is alsoestablished in the wild throughout the country, but
is much less common in the North and parts of the
Midlands and the Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Russian-vine
It scrambles over trees, scrub, hedges, fences and
It is a neophyte that was introduced in the 1890s and
became naturalised by the 1930s.
It is mainly found close to habitation and is on the
increase due to greater dumping of garden waste
in the countryside.
Russian-vine is a climbing perennial, with vine-like
stems,growing over 10m.
The flowers are in showy clusters.
Each flower has 5 shiny, white tepals, which are
petaloid sepals.
The fruits are wart-like.
Leaves are deep green, triangular ovals.
Stems are vine-like and often reddish.
Previous page: Royal Fern
Next page: Sainfoin
Russian-vine growing over a hedge
Cluster of flowers
Individual flowers - tepals (petaloid sepals)
and stamens
Wart-like fruits
Vine-like stems
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