Rue-leaved Saxifrage
Rue-leaved Saxifrage on canal tow-path
Flowers - side view
Flower bud sepals and egg-shaped fruit
Red-leaved form
Green-leaved form
Saxifraga tridactylites
April and May
It is found throughout the country apart from parts ot the
Northeast, the East Midlands and the Southeast.
See the BSBI distribution map for Rue-leaved Saxifrage
It grows on dry, sandy grassland, limestone pavements,
rocky surfaces, walls, pavements and paths.
Rue-leaved Saxifrage is a native, low-growing, wnter
annual herb.Winter annuals germinate in the autumn,
overwinter as seedlings,
flower in the spring and die in late spring.
Flowers are small, 4-6mm across, with 5 white
Sepals are ovate, glandular and pink-red or green.
Fruits are egg-shaped.
Leaves are fleshy, glandular and reddish or green.
Previous page: Round-leaved Crane's-bill
Next page: Rum Cherry
Rue-leaved Saxifrage on canal tow-path
Flowers - side view
Flower bud sepals and egg-shaped fruit
Red-leaved form
Green-leaved form
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