Round-leaved Wintergreen
Round-leaved Wintergreen in a
dune slack
Close-up of flowers, stamens and style
Flower from above
Rings of ovaries at base of styles
Fruit formation
Scale on scape
Pyrola rotundifolia subsp. Rotundifolia
June to September
Scattered and rather scarce
See the BSBI distribution map for Round-leaved
It grows in calcareous damp places such as dune slacks,
chalk pits and fens. It is in decline due to loss of habitats.
Round-leaved Wintergreen is a native, rhizomatous,
mycorrhizal, evergreen perennial herb, growing up
to 30cm.
The flower stem (scape) is pale, up to 40cm, with 1
or 2 brown scales.
Flowers are 5-merous, approximately 1cm across,
with pure white petals.
Anthers (10) are orange and the style is 7-8mm long,
and curved with a 5-lobed, capitate stigma.
The 5 ovaries form a fleshy ring round the base of
the style.
The fruit is a capsule.
Leaves are at the base of the stem , round to oval,
and up to 5cm.
Previous page: Round-leaved Sundew
Next page: Royal Fern
Round-leaved Wintergreen in a
dune slack
Close-up of flowers, stamens and style
Flower from above
Rings of ovaries at base of styles
Fruit formation
Scale on scape
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