Red Currant
Red Currant in woodland, Dorset
Close-up of clump
Hanging clusters of flowers
Close-up of cluster
Close-up of flowers
Red berries in woodland
Ribes rubrum
April to May
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Red Currant
It grows extensively in woodland and scrubland, in hedges
and by streams
Red Currant is a native shrub, forming dense patches and
growing up to 2m.
Flowers are in hanging clusters, and are yellow green with
pinkish-purple centres.
They are 4-6mm across and roughly pentangular in shape,
with 5 greenish petals.
There are 5 stamens, which alternate with the petals.
Fruits are bright red and edible.
Leaves are 3 to 5 lobed and approximately 6cm across.
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Next page: Red Valerian
Red Currant in woodland, Dorset
Close-up of clump
Hanging clusters of flowers
Close-up of cluster
Close-up of flowers
Red berries in woodland
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