Red Bartsia
Red Bartsia, Heysham Head, Lancs.
One-sided flower spike, exserted anthers.
Flowers from behind
Flowers in axils of bracts, 3-lobed lower lip
Purple stem and 4-toothed calyx
Fruit capsules, filiform styles
Odontites vernus
June to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Red Bartsia
It grows in short grass and bare areas such as tracks,
waste ground, fields and by the sea.
Red Bartsia is a native, annual, root-hemiparasite,
growing up to 50cm
The flowers are purplish pink tubes and approximately the
same length as the calyx (9mm).
The corolla is 2 lipped. The upper lip is entire and concave
and the lower lip has 3 lobes.
There are 4 stamens and a single, long, capitate style.
Flowers are in the axils of bracts, which are like the leaves
but smaller.
Stems are hairy and green to purple purple.
Leaves are dark green, hairy, lanceolate and toothed.
Previous page: Ray's Knotgrass
Next page: Redshank
Red Bartsia, Heysham Head, Lancs.
One-sided flower spike, exserted anthers.
Flowers from behind
Flowers in axils of bracts, 3-lobed lower lip
Purple stem and 4-toothed calyx
Fruit capsules, filiform styles
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