Pyramidal Orchid
Pyramidal Orchids, Ham Hill, Somerset
Early flowering Pyramidal Orchid
Mature Pyramidal Orchid
Close-up of flower spike
Leaves - no spots
Anacamptis pyramidalis
June to August
It is found throughout the country but is less common in
parts of the North the Midlands and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Pyramidal Orchid
It grows in calcarious grassland, limestone pavement, dune
slacks and cliff tops.
Pyramidal Orchid is an attractive, native, tuberous,
perennial herb growing up to 60cm.
Flowers are in a conical spike early in the season and as
an oval when fully out.
The pink to purple flowers have 3 lobes and a curved spur.
The leaves are narrow and unspotted.
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Next page: Ray's Knotgrass
Pyramidal Orchids, Ham Hill, Somerset
Early flowering Pyramidal Orchid
Mature Pyramidal Orchid
Close-up of flower spike
Leaves - no spots
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