Portland Sea-lavender
Portland Sea-lavender on crumbling
Spray of flowers
Closer view of flowers
Spathate leaves
Leaves tinged with orange and purple
Limonium recurvum subsp. Portlandicum
July to August
It is a rare plant found only on the Isle of Portland, Dorset,
and is protected under Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and
Countryside Act.
See the BSBI distribution map for Portland Sea-lavender
It grows in rocky, limestone habitats such as crumbling
cliff-slopes, quarries and rock ledges.
It is a subspecies of Rock Sea-lavender - first
designated a separate subspecies in 1986.
Portland Sea-lavender is a native, clump-forming,
perennial herb growing up to 30cm.
The flowers are violet-pink, up to 8mm, and in dense,
arching spikes.
Leaves are paddle shaped, green, fleshy, and
up to12cm.
The subspecies are difficult to tell apart and their
location is a diagnostic feature.
Previous page: Ploughman's-spikenard
Next page: Prickly Lettuce
Portland Sea-lavender on crumbling
Spray of flowers
Closer view of flowers
Spathate leaves
Leaves tinged with orange and purple
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