Pokeweed on waste ground Dorset
Close-up of flowers on spike
Immature fruiting spikes
Close-up of immature fruits and flower
Mature fruits
Close-up of mature fruits
Fruiting shrub in August
Phytolacca americana
Pokeberry, Pigeon Berry
May to July
It is thinly scattered throughout the country, but is more
common in the South, the Southeast and East Anglia.
See the BSBI distribution map for Pokeweed
It is increasing in the wild and is naturalised waste ground
and churchyards.
It is a neophyte which comes from North America.
Pokeweed is a striking, toxic, perennial herb, growing up
to 1.5m.
Flowers are white or slightly green, in spikes around
10cm long.
Fruits are claws-like and change from green to deep ruby
red on maturing.
Leaves are large and oval.
All parts of the plant are used in herbal medicine.
It is also used in evidence-based medicine. Extracts are
used to boost the immune system, and are active against
flu, herpes and leukaemia-causing viruses.
Previous page: Pink-headed Persicaria
Next page: Pond Water-crowfoot
Pokeweed on waste ground Dorset
Close-up of flowers on spike
Immature fruiting spikes
Close-up of immature fruits and flower
Mature fruits
Close-up of mature fruits
Fruiting shrub in August
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