Pink Water-speedwell
Pink Water-speedwell by
river Frome, Dorset
Pink flowers
Elliptical calyx segments
Purple-tinged stem, broad bract
Broad fruits. lanceolate bracts
Narrow, lanceolate leaves
Veronica catenata
June to August
It is found throughout the country except for parts of the
North, the Southeast and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Pink Water-speedwell
It grows in shallow water and on the edges of freshwater
water bodies.
Pink Water-speedwell is a native, annual, erect herb,
growing up to 50cm.
Flowers are in pink spikes.
They are similar to Blue Water-speedwell differing in colour,
elliptical calyx segments, broader, lanceolate bracts and
purple-tinged stems.
Leaves are narrow and lanceolate and up to 12cm.
The range of habitats is narrower than in Blue-Water-
speedwell, with which it hybridises.
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Next page: Pirri-pirri-bur
Pink Water-speedwell by
river Frome, Dorset
Pink flowers
Elliptical calyx segments
Purple-tinged stem, broad bract
Broad fruits. lanceolate bracts
Narrow, lanceolate leaves
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