Pink Masterwort

Pink Masterwort, Highgate, London

Flowerheads - bracts

Flowers with stamens

Flowers with styles

Astrantia major
Astrantia, Mountain Sanicle
June to October
It is thinly scattered throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Pink Masterwort
It is a neophyte, which has been grown in UK gardens in
the mid 1590s.
The escape has been known in the wild since the early
It has become naturalised on waste ground, woods, banks
and beside streams, roads and railways.
Pink Masterwort is a perennial herb growing up to 80cm.
Flowerheads are up to 5cm, and have a slightly sickly
There are pointed, pale, pink to whitish sepal-like bracts
which are bigger than the flowerhead (umbel).
Individual flowers are small. pink to pale greenish-white
and either male or hermaphrodite with male flowers
outnumbering the hermaphrodite, particularly towards
the end of the flowering season.
There are 5 stamens and 2 styles.
Leaves are up to 15cm and have between 3 and 7 coarse,
serrated lobes.
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