Opium Poppy
Opium Poppies beside a road
Flower- papery petals, many stamens
and central stigma rays
Seed capsule, remains of stigma rays
Pepper pot capsule
Paeony-like form - also naturalised
Papaver somniferum
June to August
It is found throughout the country except for parts of the
See the BSBI distribution map for Opium Poppy
It is an archaeophyte and garden escape found on waste
ground, tips, by paths and roads and at the base of walls.
Opium poppy is a striking, annual herb growing up to
Flowers are up to 18cm, mauve with a purple centre.
There are whorls of stamens.
There is a central stigma disc with stigma rays.
They can also be white or red and include the paeony
-flowered varieties.
Capsules are large, smooth and take on a pepper pot look
when the top lifts to disperse the seeds.
Leaves are pale, grey-green.
Opium is not produced when opium poppies are grown
in the UK.
Previous page: Oblong-leaved Sundew
Next page: Oriental Poppy
Opium Poppies beside a road
Flower- papery petals, many stamens
and central stigma rays
Seed capsule, remains of stigma rays
Pepper pot capsule
Paeony-like form - also naturalised
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