Northern Marsh-orchid
Northern Marsh-orchid, dune slack, Blackpool
Close-up of flower spike
Petal patterns
Leaves - unspotted
Dactylorhiza purpurella
May to July
It is found mainly in the northern half of the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Northern Marsh-orchid
It grows in neutral to alkaline dune-slacks, marshes, wet
meadows, ditches and wasteland.
Northern Marsh-orchid is a native, tuberous, perennial
herb, growing up to 25cm.
The flowers are in spikes and are usually reddish purple.
The petals are less lobed than Common Spotted-orchid and
darker than Southern Marsh-orchid (all three were growing
together in a dune slack in Blackpool where these pictures
were taken).
Leaves are unspotted.
Northern Marsh-orchid, dune slack, Blackpool
Close-up of flower spike
Petal patterns
Leaves - unspotted
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