Nipplewort beside a path
Flowerhead cluster with large and
small bracts
Flowerhead with ray and disc florets
Nipple appearance
Nipple-like buds
Lower, stalked leaves
Upper, sessile leaves
Lapsana communis
June to October
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Nipplewort
Nipplewort grows in open woods, scrub, hedges and waste
land, by paths, roads and railways and at the base of walls.
It is a native, annual or perennial herb, slender and
growing up to 1m.
The flower buds form a characteristic fan on long. thin
Individual flowerheads are up to 2cm with pale yellow
The flowers close in the afternoon and do not open
in dull weather.
There are small thin upper bracts and broader, longer
lower bracts.
The upper leaves are lanceolate, toothed and non-
Lower leaves are broader, oval, toothed, stalked and with
basal lobes.
Previous page: New Zealand Pigmyweed
Next page: Oblong-leaved Sundew
Nipplewort beside a path
Flowerhead cluster with large and
small bracts
Flowerhead with ray and disc florets
Nipple appearance
Nipple-like buds
Lower, stalked leaves
Upper, sessile leaves
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