Montbretia in rough ground, Dorset
Closer view of naturalised clump
Flowers showing stigmas
Hanging stamens and stigmas
Leaves and flower spikes
Crocosmia aurea x C. pottsii (C. x crocosmiiflora)
July to October
Ii is found throughout the country as a garden plant.
The escape is also found throughout the country, but
is absent from parts of the Northeast, the East
Midlands, the far Southeast and East Anglia.
See the BSBI distribution map for Montbretia
It is a neophyte and the result of a cross between 2
South African species and has been naturalised in the
wild since the early 1800s.
It forms patches by roads and in woods, hedge banks
and waste ground, and is classed as an undesirable
Montbretia is a rhizomatous, cormous, spreading,
clump-forming perennial herb growing up to 90cm.
The bright orange flowers are up to 5cm and arranged
in long curving spikes.
There are 3 large yellow stamens and a 3 lobed style.
Long pointed leaves are up to 5cm in width.
Previous page: Marsh Helleborine
Next page: Mugwort
Montbretia in rough ground, Dorset
Closer view of naturalised clump
Flowers showing stigmas
Hanging stamens and stigmas
Leaves and flower spikes
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