Part of a carpet of Meadow-foam
Yellow basal patch, 10 stamens
Close-up of style, 5 stigmas, 10 stamens
flowers with leaves
Leaves and stem
Limnanthes douglasii
Poached-egg Plant
April to September
Naturalised plants are thinly scattered and are more
common on the western side of the country.
It is grown in gardens everywhere, especially by bee
.See the BSBI distribution map for Meadow-foam
It grows in the wild on bare areas, such as waste
ground, beaches, sea-cliffs, lake shores and
It is a neophyte which has been grown in gardens in
the UK
since the 1830s and naturalised since the 1870s.
Meadow-foam is a colouful annual, carpet-forming,
fragrant herb growing up to 35cm.
Flowers are up to 2.5cm and the 5 white petals have
a large, bright yellow, basal patch.
There are 10 yellow stamens with yellow anthers.
There is a single yellow style with 5 linear, yellow
Leaves are deeply pinnate and somewhat fern-like.
Previous page: Meadow Buttercup
Next page: Meadow Saxifrage
Part of a carpet of Meadow-foam
Yellow basal patch, 10 stamens
Close-up of style, 5 stigmas, 10 stamens
flowers with leaves
Leaves and stem
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