Many-seeded Goosefoot
Many-seeded Goosefoot on a
farm dump, Suffolk
Flower spike
Prostrate stems
Entire leaf
4-angled, red stems
Chenopodium polyspermum
July to September
It is found throughout the country except for parts of the
See the BSBI distribution map for Many-seeded Goosefoot
It is an archeophyte which grows on light, nutrient-rich
waste ground and disturbed cultivated land.
Many-seeded Goosefoot is an annual erect or sprawling
herb, growing up to 1m.
The flowers are in loose spikes in the axils of leaves.
The flowering spikes are shorter than the leaves.
Leaves are elliptical to ovate with no teeth or lobes
(unlike other Goosefoots or Oraches).
Stems are 4-angled and red.
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Next page: Marsh Cudweed
Many-seeded Goosefoot on a
farm dump, Suffolk
Flower spike
Prostrate stems
Entire leaf
4-angled, red stems
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