Jerusalem Sage
Jerusalem Sage
Flower from above
Flower from side
Young flower and buds
Phlomis fruticosa
Yellow clary, Jupiter's distaff
May to July
The escape is thinly scattered in the southern areas.
The garden plant is found throughout the country
See the BSBI distribution map for Jerusalem Sage
It is a neophyte from the Mediterranean region and
has been grown in the UK since the 1590s. It had
escaped into the wild by the 1890s and appears to be
It grows on dunes and cliffs by the sea, and on banks,
waste ground and tips inland.
Jerusalem Sage is an aromatic, evergreen shrub
growing up to 120cm.
Flowerheads are bright, golden yellow and up to
4cm across.
Petals are typically Lamiaciae with a hood and 2
lower lips.
Leaves are hairy to downy and grey-green.
They are glandular with a characteristic smell.
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Jerusalem Sage
Flower from above
Flower from side
Young flower and buds
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