Hoary Ragwort
Hoary Ragwort, hay meadow,
Cogden, Dorset
Emerging flowerheads
Flowerheads - 12 ray florets
Downy, green-tipped bracts
Leaves and stems
Senecio erucifolius
July to September
It is found throughout the country except for parts of
the North and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Hoary Ragwort
It grows in hay meadows and pastures, round fields,
by roads and railways, and on waste land, shingle
and sand dunes.
Hoary Ragwort is a native, grey, downy, stoloniferous,
perennial herb, growing up to 1.2m.
Flowerheads are up to 2cm, with 12-14 yellow ray
Bracts are green tipped and downy, with the outer
bracts almost half as long as the rest.
Basal stem leaves are stalked, upper leaves clasp
the stem.
Leaves are downy, greyish and deeply pinnatifid.
Stems are slightly cotony and shallowly furrowed.
Previous page: Hemp-agrimony
Next page: Hoary Willowherb
Hoary Ragwort, hay meadow,
Cogden, Dorset
Emerging flowerheads
Flowerheads - 12 ray florets
Downy, green-tipped bracts
Leaves and stems
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