Hypericum Hidcote
Hypericum Hidcote shrub
Anthers and stigmas
Leaves from above
Leaves from below
Hypericum Hidcote. The origins are unclear but it is
probably a cross between H. cyathiflorum and wild
H. calycinum (Rose-of-Sharon).
Hidcote St. John's Wort
June to October
It is grown throughout the country, occasionally escaping
into the wild.
See the BSBI distribution map for Hypericum Hidcote
It is a garden escape found in waste ground, mainly close
to habitation, and in quarries. It competes well and shows
signs of persistence in the wild.
Hypericun Hidcote is a striking, evergreen to semi-
evergreen, perennial shrub, growing up to 2m.
Flowers are up to 4cm, with a ring of orange anthers
and 5 green stigmas.
Sepals are oval and, unlike many St. John's Worts, have no
black markings.
Flowers are sterile.
Leaves are dark green above, approximately 5cm long, and
pale below.
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Hypericum Hidcote shrub
Anthers and stigmas
Leaves from above
Leaves from below
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