Hedge Barberry
Flowers and leaves
Flower group
Flowers and immature berries
Ripe berries
Berberis darwinii x B. empetrifolia (B. x stenophylla)
March to May - but I have seen the flowers opening in
Naturalised escapes are thinly scattered throughout
the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Hedge Barberry
It is a neophyte and a hybrid. It arose in the North in
the mid 1800s and is widely planted in gardens,
amenity areas and parks.
It has been known in the wild since the 1930s and
grow in hedges and by roads and paths.
Hedge Barberry is a frost-hardy, spiny, evergreen
shrub, growing up to 3m.
Leaves are narrower and spinier than Barberry.
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Flowers and leaves
Flower group
Flowers and immature berries
Ripe berries
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