Hare's-foot Clover
Hare's-foot Clover en masse
Flowerheads with white and pink flowers
Flowerheads and trefoil leaves
Leaves, flowerheads and stems
Trifolium arvense
June to September
It is found throughout the country but is absent from parts
of the North and the Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Hare's-foot Clover
It grows on heaths, sea-cliffs, dunes and sandy areas near
the coast.
Inland, it is found on waste ground, disturbed grassland
and sandy soils.
Hare's-foot Clover is a native, leguminous, nitrogen-fixing,
patch-forming, annual herb growing up to 40cm.
The flowerheads are 2 to 3cm, softly hairy with small,
individual white or pink flowers (up to 5mm).
Leaves are small with trefoil-like leaflets.
Previous page: Hairy St. John's-wort
Next page: Hedge Bedstraw
Hare's-foot Clover en masse
Flowerheads with white and pink flowers
Flowerheads and trefoil leaves
Leaves, flowerheads and stems
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