Hairy Greenweed
Hairy Greenweed by cycle track, Lune estuary
Flower head
Hairy sepals and pedicels
Undivided leaves, hairy stem
Glaucous (greyish-blue) leaves
Genista pilosa
May to June
It is native in a few sites in Cornwall and a few other
It is planted throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Hairy Greenweed
It is found on heathland or grassland on coastal cliffs.
It used to grow on heaths in the South but has
It is also grown in gardens and planted beside footpaths
and cycle tracks.
Hairy Greenweed is a native, nitrogen-fixing, prostrate to
erect, scrambling herb growing to 50cm or more.
Flowers are yellow (1cm across) and in spikes.
The sepals are very hairy.
The leaves and stems are glaucous-green and hairy.
Unlike similar sized leguminous herbs and shrubs, it is
unarmed, i.e., no thorns or prickles.
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Hairy Greenweed by cycle track, Lune estuary
Flower head
Hairy sepals and pedicels
Undivided leaves, hairy stem
Glaucous (greyish-blue) leaves
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