Hairy Bindweed
Hairy Bindweed, Freeman's Wood,
Large flowers - up to 9cm across
Stamens and stigmas
2 broad stigmas above the 5 anthers
Flowers with large bracts
Calystegia pulchra
June to October
It is scattered throughout the country, but is more common
in the Northwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Hairy Bindweed
It is a neophyte which has been grown in the UK since the
and noted in the wild in the mid 1950s.
It is naturalised in hedges and on waste ground.
Hairy Bindweed is a climbing perennial, scrambling up
to 3m.
The flowers are striking and colourful.They are up to
9cm with a funnel-shaped pink corolla, and a yellow
centre surrounded by white.
Anthers and stigmas are also white. The 2 stigmas are
broadish and rise above the anthers.
The flowers have large arrow-shaped bracts below them.
Flower stems are downy or slightly hairy.
Leaves are also arrow-shaped.
Previous page: Greek Dock
Next page: Hairy St. John's-wort
Hairy Bindweed, Freeman's Wood,
Large flowers - up to 9cm across
Stamens and stigmas
2 broad stigmas above the 5 anthers
Flowers with large bracts
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