Guelder Rose
Guelder Rose in flower, Lancaster
Guelder Rose flowers and leaves
Outer sterile, inner fertile flowers
Gulder Rose berries in August
Close-up of berries
Viburnum opulus
May to July
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Guelder Rose
It is widely planted in parks, gardens and amenity areas.
It is a shrub of woodland, scrub and hedges, damp alder
and willow thickets, and the banks of streams.
Guelder Rose is a native, deciduous shrub (small tree)
growing up to 4m.
The flat, roundish, ice crystal-shaped, flowerhead is up to
10cm across.
The outer flowers are 1.5 to 2cm across and sterile with
5 white petals.
Inner flowers are up to 6mm across, fertile with 5 small,
white petals.
There are 5 white stamens and 3 short stigmas.
Leaves are up to 8cm long with irregular dentate lobes.
They turn red in autumn.
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Guelder Rose in flower, Lancaster
Guelder Rose flowers and leaves
Outer sterile, inner fertile flowers
Gulder Rose berries in August
Close-up of berries
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