Greek Dock
Greek Dock on waste ground,
Isle of Portland, Dorset
Fruits on crowded whorls
Slightly toothed fruits
Basal leaves
Rumex cristatus
June to July
It is found mostly in Greater London, the Southeast and is
thinly scattered elsewhere..
See the BSBI distribution map for Greek Dock
It grows on waste ground, rubbish tips and sand dunes,
and by paths and rivers.
It is a neophyte, which may have been introduced as a
contaminant of grass and clover seed. It has been
known in the wild beside rivers in London since the
Greek Dock is a perennial herb, growing up to 2m.
Flowers (not shown) are in crowded whorls.
The plant shown here was seen at the end of August
when only the fruits were left on the flowering stems.
Fruits are broad, ovate nuts with small, irregular,
acute teeth.
Leaves are oblong-lanceolate.
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Next page: Hairy Bindweed
Greek Dock on waste ground,
Isle of Portland, Dorset
Fruits on crowded whorls
Slightly toothed fruits
Basal leaves
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