Greater Knapweed
Greater Knapweed, Abbotsbury, Dorset
Rayed flower
Inner florets
Outer rays
Involucre - bracts
Lower leaves
Pinnatifid leaves
Pollination by bees
Centaurea scabiosa
June to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Greater Knapweed
It is found in grassland and scrub, on sea-cliffs and waste
ground, around woods and beside paths, roads and
Greater Knapweed is a tufted, perennial, native herb,
growing up to 120cm.
The purple-pink flowerheads are up to 5cm across, the
sterile outer florets acting as rays.
The involucre is ovoid-globose.
The bracts have blackish-brown, horseshoe-shaped
with turned-down appendages.
The lanceolate leaves are pinnately divided.
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Greater Knapweed, Abbotsbury, Dorset
Rayed flower
Inner florets
Outer rays
Involucre - bracts
Lower leaves
Pinnatifid leaves
Pollination by bees
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