Greater Chickweed
Greater Chickweed in woodland, Dorset
Protandrous, 10-stamened flowers
5 divided petals, 3 styles, hairy sepals
Stellaria neglecta
April to July
It is found mainly in western regions and East Anglia.
It is scattered elsewhere.
See the BSBI distribution map for Greater Chickweed
It grows in lightly-shaded woods and hedge-banks, and by
streams in a range of damp soils.
Greater Chickweed is a native, annual (or short-lived
perennial), variable, scrambling herb, growing up to
Flowers are up to 11mm across with 5 deeply-divided
white petals (look like 10).
Petals are roughly the same size as the sepals.
Sepals and flower stalks are hairy.
There are 10 stamens and 3 styles.
The stamens appear first (protandrous).
Flower stalks are at first bent back, but are erect when
the flowers open.
Leaves are oval triangles, green, paired and the upper
ones are sessile.
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Greater Chickweed in woodland, Dorset
Protandrous, 10-stamened flowers
5 divided petals, 3 styles, hairy sepals
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