Greater Celandine
Greater Celandine - habit
Flower - stamens and stigma/style
Flower, hairy bud
Crucifer-like pods/capsules
Poppy-like leaves
Chelidonium majus
April to October
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Greater Celandine
It is an archaeophyte, which has been naturalised since
Roman times, when it was grown as a medicinal herb.
It is found on disturbed and waste ground, at the bottom of
hedges and walls, and alongside roads and paths.
Greater Celandine is a perennial herb growing up to 85cm.
The flowers are up to 2.5cm across and have 4 yellow
petals, resembling a crucifer.
This effect is reinforced by the elongated capsules that look
like crucifer pods.
The leaves are pale green, pinnate and large lobed, and
like those of other poppies.
Greater celandine is no relation of the much more common
Lesser Celandine, which is a member of the Ranunculaceae
and starts to flower earlier in the year.
Previous page: Golden Weeping Willow
Next page: Greater Chickweed
Greater Celandine - habit
Flower - stamens and stigma/style
Flower, hairy bud
Crucifer-like pods/capsules
Poppy-like leaves
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