Great Willowherb
Great Willowherb stand
4-lobed stigma
Unusual 5-lobed stigma
Stigma and young anthers
Hairy seed capsules
Epilobium hirsutum
Great Hairy Willowherb, Codlins and Cream
June to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Great Willowherb
It grows on open waste ground, in damp woodland
clearings and edges and by fresh water streams,
ditches, marshes, ponds and canals.
Great Willowherb is a native, rhizomatous, perennial herb
growing up to 2m.
Its rhizomes enable it to form dense stands.
Flowers are up to 23mm across, purple pink in colour,
with a 4-lobed white stigma and white stamens.
The outer stamens are longer than thre inner and the
anthers darken on ripening.
The leaves are lanceolate and hairy.
The stem, flower stalks and seed pods are also hairy.
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Next page: Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil
Great Willowherb stand
4-lobed stigma
Unusual 5-lobed stigma
Stigma and young anthers
Hairy seed capsules
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